Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saint Angela de Merici

Angela was born in Italy in the year 1470. At fifteen years of age she became a tertiary of St. Francis. A tertiary means 3rd order. In a vision, God revealed to her that she would inspire a group of devout women to give themselves to the service of God.

In Crete, during a pilgrimage to Holy Land, she became blind. Her friends wanted to return home, but she insisted on going on, visiting the shrines with as much devotion and enthusiasm as if she had her sight. On the way home, while praying before a crucifix, her sight was restored at the same place where it had been lost.
When she was about twenty-two, Angela returned to her home town to find that parents were not teaching their children the simplest truths of religion. She talked the matter over with her friends. They gathered together the little girls of the neighborhood to whom they gave regular instruction. Angela began with twelve girls at Brescia and this was the beginning of the Ursuline Order - the first teaching Order of women to be founded in the Church. As a patron, Angela chose St. Ursula.

In 1535, twenty-eight young women consecrated themselves with her to the service of God. These women lived a holy life. They met for classes and spiritual exercises, and carried out the duties given to them. Angela was chosen as their superior.
Saint Angela Merici was beatified in Rome on 30 April 1768, by Pope Clement XIII. She was later canonized on 24 May 1807, by Pope Pius VII.
She loved working with children, especially young girls. She was a very loving woman who devoted herself to serving God.


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